We offer quite a few services but the one that most clients start with (and arguably the one that clients find the most valuable) is our Business Strategy Audit.
What is it and why is it helpful? Lets discuss!
What is it?
This is where we take a deep dive into what you are currently doing in your business and work out, (1) whether you even have a business strategy to start with and (2) why what you are currently doing is not working for you. Lots of businesses are operating without a business strategy and this simply does not work. If you don’t have a business strategy, don’t feel too bad about it because, ‘You don’t know, what you don’t know’!
Firstly we will ascertain where you are in your business and then work out where you want to be. Where a person wants to be will vary from business to business but upscaling and overwhelm are the usual suspects.
We will look at every detail of your business, for example your social media, all your marketing material including your website, your branding etc. We will analyse what is working well and what is not. We will look at what you are doing that is unnecessary and what you aren’t doing that you really need to start doing. This is the audit stage.
Once we have done all of the above, we will then start to create your business strategy according to your business goals. We will present you with a audit report. Your report will detail all the goals that you want to achieve and how we are going to achieve them. Along with your report will be your strategy and update sheet which will detail the tasks that need to be done and the systems that need to implemented in order to be able to achieve your business goals. Some items will be one off pieces of work, for example contracts but others will be ongoing like blogging and social media management.
Once you have seen and approved your strategy, we start to implement it!
Why is it helpful?
Most people decide that they need a virtual assistant when they get overwhelmed or when they want to take their business to the next level. People tend to reach out when they don’t know what to do and when they need a bit of direction.
Having someone audit your current business strategy and then create a new strategy that meets your business needs is invaluable. Firstly, an objective eye on your business is always necessary as it is often so hard to be honest with ourselves about our own business. What we can’t see is sometimes blindingly obvious to others. You cannot have a clear view from in the trenches.
Secondly, if you are already feeling overwhelmed with the day to day running of your business, the last thing you will be able to do is spare the time to work ON your business because you are too busy working IN your business.
Lastly, without a proper strategy, you will just tread water in your business until you get tired and quit. Not being able to measure what you are doing and how it is working because you are doing everything and anything is exhausting.
Remember, “A goal without a plan is just a wish’.